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Halal / Haraam Food Guide Thread.
Korean Food - Guide for Muslim Visitors. is a dedicated portal site for information relating halaal food for muslim community in UK and the rest fo the world.
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Food Eaten by Muslims Muslim Food Restrictions
Halaal ::::::::::::::Muslim Food Guide.
Travel Tips & Information . International Food . Korean Food - Guide for Muslim Visitors. Korean food is very similar to Nature. In Korea there are four seasons, as
“O Messenger, eat of the good things and be righteous in deeds. I am aware of what you do." Al-Mu'minun (23:51) Why is Halal food important?

Food Guide -
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Popular Muslim FoodGuide to Muslim Food
This thread should be used to post confirmation/queries and any other HALAL or Haraam Walker's Snacks 2008 - 2009 Last Updated: 01/06/2008 Halaal Doritos Cool
muslim guide food